
MD Tasmania tries to assist people to live life to its fullest by assisting with funding towards equipment that is necessary for this to happen.

We try to meet the high priority needs of as many individuals as possible rather than all the needs of a few people.

To access funding a person must be referred by an appropriate organisation or a health care professional.

Funding assistance, or provision of equipment, through all government avenues must be sought. Where this is  refused evidence of this refusal must be provided.

Either the person, or a parent/guardian/carer  of a child under 18, must be a member of MD Tasmania – (see under membership).

The type of equipment funded includes – wheelchairs, electric and manual, beds, toilet and shower seats, walking frames, electric armchairs, specific computer equipment needed by members at High School/College.

We also assist with

 Fares and fees for a member and a carer where this is required to attend a Muscular Dystrophy camp on the mainland.

Fares and fees for members and/or carers or a health professional to attend information sessions or conferences in Tasmania or on the mainland where these are directly related to muscular Dystrophy.

Application must be made on the appropriate form and the decision of the committee is final.

To receive further information or the required forms please complete and submit the form below.