University of Canberra Exercise Classes for Neuromuscular Conditions
The University of Canberra, working with Capital Region Muscular Dystrophy, has created an exercise physiology class for people with a neuromuscular condition.
The “Function Focus” class is designed to assist anyone who has a neuromuscular condition to retain and where possible improve their functional independence. The class will develop an individual exercise and conditioning program to suit each participant designed to maintain and enhance physical capabilities. The program will address issues such as range and patterns of motion, stability, balance and endurance.
“Function Focus” is run by the Health Faculty of UC at the Bruce Campus in the ACT. Programs are student led under the direct supervision of an Accredited Exercise Physiologist. Programs can be developed in conjunction with recommendations or advice of a participant’s GP or Specialist.
Capital Region Muscular Dystrophy is a small group operating in the Canberra region to assist people dealing with a neuromuscular condition. CRMD is working with UC to develop the services available to people with neuromuscular conditions in the ACT region. The more people involved in the classes, the more impetus we have to grow the services available.
For more information on the Function Focus class at UC please contact:
The Clinical Education Exercise Physiology on (02)6201 5843 or
For more information on CRMD please contact: Rob Oakley 0429382502, or go to or find us on Facebook.